Access Keys:

St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast

After School Options

We are delighted that we are able to offer a range of afterschool activities including our 123 Club which operates from 2-3pm on Mon-Thur each week and is open to P1-3 children. 123 Club must be booked in advance here.

MR SPORTS provides the majority of our other afterschool activities. These activities operate from 2-3pm for P1-3 children and from 3-4pm for older children. Clubs available include Football, Arts and Crafts, Gaelic Football, Dance, Multisports and Basketball. Book and pay online here.

Miniversity Creative Learning Club operates on Tuesdays from 3-4pm for P4-7 children. Visit for further details. If you have any questions about the programme, please contact or phone 07712042222. To reserve a place, please email