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St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast

Belfast Activity Centre

15th Jun 2021

Due to the COVID pandemic this year, the Primary 7 children’s annual residential to the Share Centre was unable to take place. However, with restrictions easing, the children were able to enjoy a fabulous day much closer to home at the Belfast Activity Centre at Barnet’s Demesne.


With a wide range of activities available, including orienteering, mountain biking, archery, bushcraft and rock climbing, the children were able to enjoy all of these events in the glorious sunshine that graced us for the two days. 

The children were able to try some new activities and all had a fantastic time. The children were an absolute credit to the school and their families in how they conducted themselves on the way to, during and on the way home from the trip. We hope some great memories were created. Well done to everyone!