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St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast

Developing Measuring Skills Through Active Learning at Home

20th May 2022

P4 – P7 children have been working hard in school to develop their measuring skills. The children have been encouraged and challenged to ‘think hard’, through active learning opportunities. Active learning helps children to become independent learners who will be able to solve problems, stay focused on their work, and have greater enthusiasm for their learning. At home you can help your child to further develop these skills by looking at the weight of items found in the home, discussing which items are heavier or lighter than others.  Introduce ‘benchmarks’, eg. a bag of sugar (1Kg) or a tin of beans (415g). Show your children scales used in the home, such as bathroom scales, balance scales or kitchen mechanical/digital scales. Discuss which scales are most appropriate for weighing different objects, such as a person, comparing which of two pebbles is the heavier, or weighing flour to bake a cake. You can have lots of fun with your child measuring items in the home together!