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St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast

EU Coding Week with Micro:bits

24th Oct 2024
This week, as part of EU Coding Week, the boys and girls in Primary 7 took part in a series of coding lessons using BBC Micro:bits. These little miniature computers may look small but with the right coding they can produce some spectacular results. 

Our first activity was to have fun playing digital Rock Paper Scissors which required the children to use the devices 25 LEDs to represent the three items. Writing an algorithm using the shake feature and variables with random possibilities, it allowed them to enjoy this popular children's in a digital format. 

Our second task, was to create a smart watch step counter with our Micro:bits. Using the devices motion sensor and built in accelerometer the children created basic, intermediate and advanced codes to track their step counts during their learning break in the yard. 

The children loved the use of these very capable devices and were even able to write a code with them to evaluate their work and how the enjoyed it and found it challenging. We definitely have some future computer programmers amongst our children.