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St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast


3rd May 2022

In St.Therese of Lisieux PS we firmly believe that good financial capability is a vital life skill which our young people should have the opportunity to develop, so that they will make good financial decisions throughout their adult life. This is even more important in today's world due to the ever increasing cost of living. I'm sure many of us have felt the need to tighten our belts in recent months and spend more mindfully, knowing where to get the best value for our money. Our younger children have been having lots of fun in role-play activities, further developing their skills of recognising coins, calculating shopping bills and working out their change from a budget of £1.00. The older children have been learning about the different ways we can pay for goods, researching and discussing how to get the best value for their money, whilst keeping within a budget. P6 children enjoyed discussing getting value for money in our local supermarkets. They made great efforts to work together to plan a meal within a budget of £10.00. I have no doubt they will be able to offer plenty of good advice for the next family grocery shop! Some of our P7 children worked well together to calculate shopping bills, change from £10.00 and the correct coins needed for the change. 

We will continue to help our students to develop good values and attitudes towards money, which will enable them to make good financial decisions and develop financial wellbeing throughout their adult lives.