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St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast

Let’s Investigate!

9th Jan 2023

Within the World Around Us subject area we encourage our pupils to develop their natural curiosities by asking questions about the world we live in. Children enjoy investigating these questions and becoming scientists by carrying out a wide selection of STEM activities and experiments in their WAU lessons.

By engaging in individual, partner and group tasks the children develop a wide selection of thinking skills and personal capabilities. The hands on, practical approach further extends the children’s interest in and knowledge of a particular topic and promotes fun and enjoyment in the learning experience. 

Over the past two years our Key Stage 2 classes have participated in the ESB Science Blast challenge. This involved investigating a question related to their specific World Around Us topic. The children planned their investigation, gathered their equipment/resources, made predictions and ensured they carried out a fair test. Once the investigation was complete they gathered results and drew conclusions which they then presented to an online judge. Not only did this develop the children’s self-confidence but it was also a fabulous way to further promote effective scientific enquiry within our school.