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St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast


25th Oct 2024
What an incredible first half term P4 have had! Our enthusiastic learners have thrown themselves into every challenge with amazing energy and curiosity. In WAU, they've become expert investigators exploring how sound travels by conducting experiments to see sound particles in action.

Our mathematicians have embraced every challenge, and they particularly enjoyed Maths Week Ireland where they showcased their skills in an exciting online quiz, competing against 300 schools across Ireland, with brilliant determination and enthusiasm. Their problem-solving abilities have grown tremendously as they've tackled place value and addition strategies.

In PE, our budding gymnasts have impressed everyone with their developing balance, coordination and body control, creating sequences and showing great progress in their gymnastics skills.

P4 have shown wonderful teamwork throughout all their activities, supporting and encouraging each other in their learning journey. We're incredibly proud of how well everyone has settled into P4 and we can't wait to dive into next half term's adventures – there are so many exciting projects and discoveries ahead!