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St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast


8th Jun 2023

P4 children have been using the Izak9 resource again this term to this term to further develop their problem-solving skills. The children engaged in collaborative learning, actively listening and sharing opinions with their peers to solve problems. They enjoyed building walls of cubes, investigating which cubes lay N, S, E and W of each other and further investigated with all 8 points of the compass! They also enjoyed racing against each other in teams to eliminate cubes, applying wonderful knowledge of many mathematical concepts. The children made a super effort throughout to use appropriate mathematical language to talk about and explain their ways of working. Some of the P4 children even took over the role of teacher for part of the lesson! Their positive attitude and sense of enthusiasm for Numeracy as an interesting and fun part of the curriculum is fantastic! A great bunch of mathematicians!