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St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast

Primary 7 TREK 2023 Belfast CIty Hall Visit

28th Mar 2023

This week, as part of our annual TREK initiative, the boys and girls from Primary 7 in Mr Reynolds' class attended Belfast City Hall along with Carr's Glen Primary School. 

As part of the visit, the boys and girls took part in a self-guided tour of the exhibition rooms on the ground floor looking at the history of Belfast that included the creation of the city, the industries that made it world-famous and famous people from the city. They then had the chance to explore the grounds of city hall and the different memorials. 

The second half of their trip was with Kirsty, our tour guide, who took the children to the private sections of city hall including the councillors meeting room and the council chambers where they children got to sit in the debating chairs and Lord and Deputy Lord Mayor's seats dressed in the ceremonial garments. 

The children were able to ask a wide range of interesting questions and discovered a host of facts about the history of the building and its workings. 

The children had an excellent time and were great ambassadors for our school with some indicating that they may one day like to work there and possibly run the council. Watch this space!!