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St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast
Open Day Parents of prospective P1 children are invited to visit on Thur Jan 9th at 3.30pm. Please phone to make an appointment.
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29th Apr 2021

Time to prime those brains and flex those fingers - World Maths Day is back! On Wednesday the 5th of May 2021, students across the globe will battle it out to discover who is the world’s strongest mathlete. On this day, millions of students across the world compete in Live Mathletics challenges to determine a global winner, while also participating in fun activities that highlight the wonder of numbers. Students log into Mathletics and compete against peers from around the world in 20 one-minute challenges. It runs for 48 hours to cover all global timezones, however the children can login now to earn points as they have all been given their passwords. There will be a certificate and small treat for the child in each class who has earned the most points when the event finishes! Good luck everyone!