Eco Council

ECO Schools
St Therese of Lisieux Primary School has been an ECO school for 10 years. We achieved our 6th green flag in 2022-2024 and won the prestigious 'Eco School of the Year' award in 2022 and again in 2024….the 1st school to win twice in a row!
We celebrate our achievement by proudly flying our ECO flag at the front of the school for all to see.
Our ECO team has grown over the years, we started off as a team of 6 and now we have 201 members from P4- P7. Our ECO council is the driving force and each member plays an important role in helping to make sure that our school shines as an ECO School. We have 5 main teams that run throughout the week:
· Eco ELFs (Eco Loving Force)- Recycling
· Power Rangers -Energy
· Garden Giants- Biodiversity
· Bike It Buddies- Transport
These jobs are carried out daily and the ECO members kindly gives up part of their break time on a rota basis to ensure their areas of responsibility are looked after.
Our Primary 1- 3 children are also involved as 'Eco Warriors', taking turns to be energy aware and ensure recycling is taking place in their own classrooms.
ECO Schools is very important in our school, with all children and staff being involved no matter how small the act, as we follow in St Therese's example of her "Little Way". Our children are passionate about making a difference, as they know the important environmental role they can play in helping to make our world a better place.
Here are some of the wonderful ECO activities carried out in our school:
· We have a yearly ECO assembly in our school to remind the pupils and teachers how we can be ECO friendly and help our environment.
· Biodiversity: Making our Bug School in the P1 playground.
· We try our best to recycle and have made our own Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful recycling pledge.
· P1s learning about why we recycle with a lovely story called Messy Magpie and Mr Rat's Recycling.
· Key Stage 2 had a visit from Belfast City Council and completed an interactive recycling quiz amongst other fun eco workshops.
· Cash for Clobber
· Working with 'Kindergarden Kids' to plant a range of vegetables and herbs in our garden which we will harvest and take home to use in a meal.
· Saving Water
· Saving Energy
St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, 472 Antrim Road Belfast BT15 5GF T: 028 90770215