Rights Respecting School

Our school is on a Rights Respecting Schools journey!
We have achieved our bronze award and are now working towards our Silver Award, which we hope to achieve this year.
A Right Respecting School puts the rights of the children at the heart and well-being of the schools' culture. There are 54 Rights or Articles and 42 of these are Rights for children.
Please read more about these rights using the link below:
Last year we began with an assembly on RRS and what we have done so far on our journey to remind the children about their Rights and how we have been working on what they mean to us in school.
Each month we focused on a specific 'Right of the Month,' and with the help of our steering group, we tried to tie in this right to what we were learning in school.
Amongst the activities, we carry out in our different year groups, we planned on taking part in ShoeShare this year, as we have done for the previous 2 years.
ShoeShare is a campaign in partnership with the Rights Respecting Schools Award and Clarks Shoes. The campaign collects old or unwanted shoes. These old or unwanted shoes are then sent for re-use. For every tonne of shoes collected, a donation is made to Unicef which goes towards education programmes around the world therefore promoting 'The Right to an Education' for all - (Article 26)
During Lockdown we continued to work on promoting RRS throughout KS1 and KS2 with a 'Right of the Week' theme.
St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, 472 Antrim Road Belfast BT15 5GF T: 028 90770215