Primary Five

Lockdown Learning March-June 2020
16th March 2020 school life changed for everyone.
What a term!! None of us thought in September 2019 what would lie ahead. It certainly was a year that will never be forgotten.
As a team we made it work. "We were in this together! "🌈
We used Google Classroom to upload the weekly activities and help the children to become focused and organised for the week ahead.
Class Dojo was also used as our main communication. It was an absolute pleasure seeing videos, photographs and messages that allowed us to share in the children's digital classroom journey and kept us all in touch.
Everyone worked so hard over the 13 weeks. It wasn't easy but together we made it to the summer.
We would like to share with you their digital classroom journey through our pic collages.
Parent feedback:
"Thank you for all your help over lockdown"
"Please pass on our gratitude to all at STOLPS. This was not an easy situation to be in but we felt absolutely 100% supported by the school at all times."
"Thank you to the P5 teachers for all the effort and resources."
"I think that the school did a great job adjusting to the online delivery model. The teachers in P5 were attentive and helpful."
" I appreciate all the effort the P5 teachers have put in during the crisis.Thank you."
"I would like to thank the P5 teachers for all their help and assistance during this strange time. When we have needed guidance they have always responded promptly with suggestions and their messages on Class Dojo have always been positive and encouraging."
St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, 472 Antrim Road Belfast BT15 5GF T: 028 90770215