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St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, Belfast

Primary One


Unfortunately, our Primary 1 year was cut short due to lockdown but that did not stop the enthusiasm of our Primary 1 children to continue their learning journey through Dojo. We ensured that every area of the curriculum was covered by uploading a wide range of resources every day. The children shared photographs of their work which we uploaded on to dojo every day and this proved to be an excellent platform for the children to keep in touch with their friends and stay motivated. The Primary 1 teachers, parents and children all worked together as a successful team during the lockdown experience.  We were so proud of every one of the children and really appreciated the great support and engagement from our Primary 1 parents.

Feedback from parents:

‘I cannot emphasise enough how impressed I was by the range of activities posted. The creativity of the P1 team was outstanding’.

‘I think St Therese went above and beyond in supporting us. As parents we felt we could ask anything of the teachers in P1 and received a lot of support. I cannot thank you all enough for making a difficult time more bearable’.

‘P1 teachers did a fantastic job. They provided us with a great learning structure to our day. They always had fun ways for the children to learn and great ideas that we could try at home. The teachers were always there to encourage and support both the children and the parents’.

‘Fun and colourful resources helped to keep my child motivated and the messages from the P1 teachers made him feel so proud and eager to do more’.