Primary Two
A big welcome to P2!
The P2 Team are:
Mrs Hamill
Ms White/Miss Litwinek
Mrs Acum - Support Teacher
Ms Bradshaw –P2 Assistant
Miss Magee & Mrs Rice -Classroom Assistant
Mrs Joyce, Miss Stevenson & Miss Goodyear –Classroom Assistant
We continue with daily play based sessions, which focus on our five topic areas and build on the good work of Primary 1, as part of your child’s Foundation Stage journey.
Our P2 topics are:
People Who Help Us
Wonderful Me
In the Garden
Through these topics we provide rich and varied learning experiences to promote your child’s social and academic development. We strive to develop every child’s self-esteem and self-confidence, by helping them experience success.
Our key goals are to promote your child’s personal development, creativity, confidence and competence in all curricular areas. We provide a happy, stimulating and secure environment in which we endeavour to meet every child’s needs.
We value our working partnership with P2 parents in helping your child achieve their full potential on their learning journey.
Latest Photographs

St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School, 472 Antrim Road Belfast BT15 5GF T: 028 90770215